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The FoSB have invited all children of St Boniface Primary School to take part in a socially distanced Relay Race around Wandsworth.

The FoSB have invited all children of St Boniface Primary School to take part in a socially distanced Relay Race around Wandsworth.

The relay race will start on Sunday 12th May, starting at 11.30am and finish at the school. The idea is that each child travels to the next child's home as their part in the relay race, or they can travel as much as they like.  
They do NOT have to complete the whole route.
All children will need to be accompanied by an adult who must be able to keep up with the children.

Children will be able to run, bike or scoot to their destination.
On completion of the relay, each child will earn 50 house points, receive a medal, certificate, race bag and be entered into a draw to win a Sports Bundle.  





  • Collect as much sponsorship as you can.
  • Locate your map number on the map, you will be running to the next point, please familiarise yourself with the route.
  • Write your bib number from the map onto your bib in the race bag, pin this to your t-shirt.
  • Put balloons and bunting up outside your home if possible - this helps us find you.
  • Bring water - its going to be hot on Sunday
  • Please be ready and waiting outside your home before your approximate time, (see map)
  • If you would like to measure how many KM you have run, you may want to use a tracker/running app.
  • If you have any issues please call 07919 140683 to let Victoria know.




  • There will be one adult runner and a support co-ordinator doing the entire route with the children.
  • You and your child can run, scoot or cycle to your next point on the map, all children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • If you would like to continue, please do so as much so as much as you can.
  • If you loose the race pack please go to school for 1.30pm.
  • If your child runs with the pack and you loose the pack, please call Victoria - 07919 140683 and meet your child at the school at 1.30pm


  • Please go to the school at 1.30pm to welcome the runners into the playground.
  • There will be a party to celebrate!
  • Runners will be able to collect their medals and certificates.
  • Winner of the sports bundle announced.
  • There will be activities for the children.
  • There will be hotdogs, a bar and pimms!!!
  • Don't forget to donate your sponsorship money.
  • If you have used a running app to measure your distance, please let Victoria know how long you have run, or complete this form.



When will I get my Race Bag and Map?

On the week of the race, we will gove out the Race bag packed with goodies and most importantly your Race Map.

Please take a note of your position and time on the route and your destination.

What will I need on the day?

Runners would be advised to bring some water if you are planning on running for more than your designated distance.

It would be great if you could decorate your home with the balloons provided in the race bag and the bunting on the downloads page so that we can see you on approach to your home and to show your support.

Can my child compete unaccompanied?

NO.  All children will need to be accompanied by an adult who must be able to keep up with the children.

How can we compete?

You can run, scoot or cycle!  You can go as far as you can on the route.
You do NOT have to complete the whole route.

What are the timings for the day?

We will be starting the event at 11am, there will be two routes being run at the same time, North and South.
On the maps we will give you approximate times of when you can expect the runners to come to your home, please do not set off without them.

We hope to see as many people at the school to welcome the runners so will be openning the gates at 1.30pm.
The After Party will start at 2pm when all of the runners have returned to the school.

Does my child have to complete the entire route?

We only ask that your child gets to the next point on the map, if they are able to continue they can certainly come along as much as they can.  They do NOT have to complete the whole route.

How will I know where and when to go?

Nearer the date we will be publishing maps with the route on it showing you where you will be running to. 
We will also publish an estimated time - please note these will be approximate!

What do I do if my running time slot has past?

Please wait for the runners, do not set off without us - we're just running late.  Please contact Victoria for an update.

How else can I show my support?

These big events do take a lot of organising and we would appreciate any help we can get, be it help with planning, finding sponsors, helping on the run or helping at the after party.  Please contact FOSB if you are able to help in any way

On the day, we would love to see lots of bunting, balloons and flags at each stop so will be providing some in the race bags. 
If you would like to print out more please click here

What happens after the relay?

You are all invited to our After Party at the school at 1.30pm to welcome the runners at the end of the race and to celebrate a wonderful day with some treats and activities at the school.

We will also be giving out the medals, certificates for the runners AND announcing the winners of the Prize draw!

I can't take part but would like to donate

We would love you to donate!  Please visit our donation page

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FOSB St Boniface